Tarot Readings
Nelson, BC
One with Everything
$10 - 1 card reading: giving you a clear communication of what you really need to know/focus on at this time - can be open ended or about a specific person or situation.
3 Card or Problem Solver
$30 - 3 card reading: a slightly deeper but still bite sized dive into what you need to know/focus on. Or, can clarify a specific problem/situation; addressing the true nature of the subject/problem, the Highest solution and the means to get there.
Full Download or Relationship Reading
$100 - 10+ card Celtic Cross reading: 10 different keys for a big picture of what you need to know* with unlimited clarifying questions, up to an hour. Can be open-ended, or about a specific person, situation or relationship. This can be a reading for 2+ people, with no additional cost.
About Me
I’d love to give you a Sagittarian Download: Concise guidance from Spirit ~ though Tarot card readings. With 30 years experience, my gift is in clear, direct communication around what you need to focus your attention on what you're moving through; a "bitch-slap" from Spirit if you need it! Clarity is invaluable.